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Greetings From Laura Domínguez-Yon!

Mathematically, a RHOMBUS is an equilateral parallelogram.
In my case, it's a SQUARE -- THAT'S A LITTLE "OFF".

(That means I'm a traditional, law-abiding, "stick-in-the-mud" who likes the conservative path,
but also like to have good, clean, creative fun!)

I've had so many character-building experiences,
I have been referred to as a real character now.

At one time
I was a Protestant
teaching Spanish
in a Catholic High School
where I became
addicted to bagels.
(never had one 'til then)

I prefer to be a part of the solution
not part of the problem.

I want to contribute positively to society.

Hurrah! As of May 1st I've retired from teaching high school Spanish with the Fremont Union High School District in Cupertino, California. While on leave prior to retiring, I pursued additional certifications, and spent time teaching high-risk students in the Mountain View-Los Altos and the Campbell Union High School Districts. During my tenure at FUHSD, I was at Cupertino High as library technology teacher, technology coordinator, and Spanish teacher, where I had the opportunity to work with and support exemplary staff and students. I am also proud to have worked with limited English-speaking students at Fremont Union High School, teaching five different classes in three departments: Modern Language, English, and Social Studies. Yes, it was stressful, however I had the priviledge of working with fine young men and women who greatly appreciated the opportunity to learn, and to have developed curriculum relevant to their unique needs.

Physical and mental wellbeing is essential for success. Life and experience present challenges and opportunities, each providing the opportunity to learn. Leveraging my many learning opportunities, I now dedicate time to Results Coaching -- achieving successful results by addressing specific behaviors, beliefs, emotions, decisions.
Here are some of what I've embraced (links open in separate windows):

Health enhancing information, products, and resources (FreeLife -- The Himalayan Goji Company),
Improving balance, flexibility, endurance and focus with energy work & products (Core Quantum Method),
Vine-riped whole fruits and vegetables in concentrated form (Juice Plus+),
Laughing for the health of it (Laughter Yoga),
Improving Financial Literacy for Kids and Grown Ups ( The Money Camp ),
Making change with new decisions and actions (Christopher Howard Trainings)
web design & technology integration consulting

Born an American, English is my native language. Through diligent study, practice, and opportunity, I am fluent in spoken and written Spanish. I have taught in private, public and charter schools, at elementary, intermediate, high school and college levels. I've worked with Migrant Ed for many years at all levels, done bilingual counseling, translated, developed and piloted programs for high-risk gang and drug intervention, bilingual science, social studies, English literature and composition, integrating technology (laptops, palm handhelds, internet) into the classroom, have written parent-adolescent behavior contracts that serve as model for a rehabilitation center. I've written several successful education grants.

In the private sector, I have experience as an editor, financial planner, insurance agent, credit interviewer, directory assistance operator, web editor, Personal Development Trainer, and have been self employed. I am a Master Results Coach, energy worker, the Guide-on-the-Side encouraging others to develop and succeed, a minister providing comfort, empathy, encouragement, hope, possibilities. I am a certified coach in financial literacy, energy work, laughter yoga, hypnosis, neurolinguistic programing, neural-repatterning, leadership, and performance.
I'm best at innovating and problem-solving -- not that the former causes the latter, mind you -- however in March of 2005 I learned that I exhibited 18 of 20 behaviors common to persons with ADHD, researched solutions, took actions, improved my communications and abilities to focus, and this sentence is an example of an ADHD behavior of blurting and combining ideas into one run-on interrelated global concept. When we least expect, we serve as an inspiring model -- or as a warning to others. I've dedicated 2 years to successfully understand and acquire skills that diminish detrimental effects of ADHD behaviors.

I've had experiences I hope no one else has to have, both in and out of the classroom. Many have suggested I write a book about my experiences. I am told that I am "different because [ I ] care", that I am an inspiration, that I empower others, and that I "should be a stand up comedian" because of a communication style which conveys very serious and profound issues in disarmingly humorous fashion. When reflecting on some of these experiences, I choose to put it into a lighter view and focus on positive lessons of strength, perserverence, and humor. My children also have the ability to see humor in stressful situations and to highlight what can be gained instead of regrets. Numbering is not one of my strengths; dyslexic moments have some influence without doubt. One student (Dale D, '02) said: "Yes, you should write a book -- I'd like to see how you number it.")

Now, after reading this, I have something I want you to do: Remember at least one of your teachers -- any grade, any age. Write a letter to that teacher. It doesn't matter what you say, just that you remembered. It's important. Do it. Send it to the teacher, or to the current principal of the school you attended. The right person will receive the message.

When I grow up,
I want to be tall.
I do have a name: Laura Kitaji Domínguez-Yon.
Mr. Kitaji, my father, was born in Pajaro, California, son of a Japanese pioneer settler.
Dr. Domínguez, my first husband, grew up in Spain and came to California via Bolivia and Cuba.
Dr. Yon, my current husband, is a fifth-generation Chinese-American from San Francisco, California.
(No, I do not have two husbands, but it was interesting explaining when both attended a school performance of "Man of La Mancha" with my children and me.)

At another time, Spanish-speaking farm workers would bring their friends and relatives to where I was working as a credit clerk of a department store, stand a few yards away, and place bets that I could speak Spanish better than they could. Then they'd come closer and ask me to say something, winning the awe and 'la razón' (the bet of being right). I felt like a tourist attraction.

Like fruit on a tree
we can continue to mature
or rot on the branch!

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For needed adjustments and corrections please contact the webmaster:

This page design is the product of my participation in the 1996, second SJEN Summer Institute, Team 32, High School Cross-Curricular Integration. This project begins with the premise that knowledge of oneself -- one's own experiences and those of one's family -- contributes to the understanding of history, science, literature and awareness of all knowledge! We each have relatives who lived at the time of each historic event! East Side Union School district generously hosted the initial projects; unfortunately (but reasonably) the content pages are not accessable:

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Last Update: May 7, 2009 - Welcome - Copyright 1995-2010 LDomínguez-Yon, Rhombus Enterprises - Editor